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I'm interested in languages. For one thing, I teach English. For another, I have had to do with various countries, cultures, and peoples. I'm intrigued by language acquisition, and believe that there is an enormous potential for improving how people generally go about learning other languages.

This being such a huge topic, I actually have a number of blogs on the subject:

  1. Every Language I Like is a blog for myself. Here I record things of a personal interest
  2. English @ Home is a blog for my students
  3. 20 Tongues, 20 Moons is a 100-word-per-day journal about a personal acquisition experiment
  4. English Coach is about my attempt to create a business around language acquisition
  5. Juppun wa Juubun is an attempt to create a program for Japanese people to acquire English 10 minutes at a time
  6. Languages Arena was where I tried to create a collaborate language-learning environment
  7. Read Club seeks to promote reading to beginner English students
  8. The Play~ful Tongue is where I reflect on my sources toward my 15-year-old self
  9. Voyage of Languages is a grandiose attempt to interest the world in joining me on a language-learning journey


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